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Most diseases are caused or aided by microbes and parasites. Due to antibiotics, steroidal drugs and chemotherapy our natural intestinal bacteria have been damaged and pathogenic microbes, especially fungi and mycoplasmas, are out of control. Continue reading THE ULTIMATE MICROBIAL CLEANSE – Walter Last

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MANAGING THE IMMUNE SYSTEM. An Overview of Holistic Healing. ~ Walter Last.

With autoimmune diseases the immune system starts attacking the pleomorphic (shape changing) microbes hiding in affected organs or glands. Corticosteroids suppress the immune system and with this also any existing inflammations, but when drugs are gradually eliminated the immune system may explode again and the patient goes back on high-dose emergency corticosteroids.

I did not have a problem getting patients with all kinds of autoimmune diseases back to normal within a few weeks on a fasting-cleanse with mainly fresh raw vegetables. However, there was a proviso which I realised only later: it worked only if patients had not been on immunosuppressive drugs. It appears that the immune system, when released from its chains, initially overreacts. Continue reading MANAGING THE IMMUNE SYSTEM. An Overview of Holistic Healing. ~ Walter Last.

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Parasite Cleanse


There are hundreds of parasites that can infect humans.

Parasite  Cleanse is a therapy aimed at ridding body of parasitic animals.
There are hundreds of parasites that can infect humans.

The most known Parasite  Cleanse is Hulda Clark ‘s ( Hanna Kroger’s) herbal parasites killing formula:

  1. Black-Walnut Green Tincture
  2. Wormwood Capsules
  3. Cloves Capsules

These three herbs must be used together. Black-Walnut hull and wormwood kill adults and developmental stages of at least 100 parasites. Cloves kill the eggs. Only if you use them together will you rid yourself of parasites. If you kill only the adults, the tiny stages and eggs will soon grow into new adults. If you kill only the eggs, the million stages already loose in your body will soon grow into adults and make more eggs. They must be used together as a single treatment. Continue reading Parasite Cleanse